“We leave the porch light on for you to find your way home.”
The Hospitality Ministry assists in retaining members by affording opportunities for members to be actively engaged through various programs and project ministries, which may allow members to identify, develop and utilize their spiritual gifts, skills, and talents.
It also oversees the SHARE (Self Help and Resource Exchange) Program, a food program for any person, family or group that desires to purchase a nutritious food package for about $25/month. The Share Program is NOT a subsidized program. There are no income restrictions.
Each package contains enough for four meals for a family of four. The food is picked up from the warehouse and transported to the church by volunteers and other volunteers package the food for purchasers to pick up at the church.
The monthly menu and order forms are available in the church office. The menu can also be viewed on the Share Website: https://www.catholiccharitiesdc.org/share.
For more information on the SHARE Program, please contact Sister Letesha Parker at 240-305-46665 or the Church Office at 202-584-3103.
Monthly Meeting
Schedule coming soon.
For more information on the Hospitality Ministry, please contact us at XXX.